  Tue Apr 23 18:15:09 2024 -0700
Add a general highlight trackDb variable(s), working like trackDb filters, except put a color behind the item, refs #24507

diff --git src/hg/hgTracks/bigBedTrack.c src/hg/hgTracks/bigBedTrack.c
index 5ea2890..2d16790 100644
--- src/hg/hgTracks/bigBedTrack.c
+++ src/hg/hgTracks/bigBedTrack.c
@@ -1,855 +1,952 @@
 /* bigBed - stuff to handle loading and display of bigBed type tracks in browser. 
  * Mostly just links to bed code, but handles a few things itself, like the dense
  * drawing code. */
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 The Regents of the University of California 
  * See kent/LICENSE or http://genome.ucsc.edu/license/ for licensing information. */
 #include "common.h"
 #include "hash.h"
 #include "linefile.h"
 #include "jksql.h"
 #include "hdb.h"
 #include "bedCart.h"
 #include "hgTracks.h"
 #include "hmmstats.h"
 #include "localmem.h"
 #include "wigCommon.h"
 #include "bbiFile.h"
 #include "obscure.h"
 #include "bigWig.h"
 #include "bigBed.h"
 #include "bigWarn.h"
 #include "errCatch.h"
 #include "trackHub.h"
 #include "net.h"
 #include "bigPsl.h"
 #include "bigBedFilter.h"
 #include "bigBedLabel.h"
 #include "variation.h"
 #include "chromAlias.h"
 #include "quickLift.h"
 #include "hgConfig.h"
 static unsigned getFieldNum(struct bbiFile *bbi, char *field)
 // get field number for field name in bigBed.  errAbort if field not found.
 int fieldNum =  bbFieldIndex(bbi, field);
 if (fieldNum < 0)
     fieldNum = defaultFieldLocation(field);
 if (fieldNum < 0)
     errAbort("error building filter with field %s.  Field not found.", field);
 return fieldNum;
-struct bigBedFilter *bigBedMakeNumberFilter(struct cart *cart, struct bbiFile *bbi, struct trackDb *tdb, char *filter, char *defaultLimits,  char *field)
-/* Make a filter on this column if the trackDb or cart wants us to. */
+struct bigBedFilter *bigBedMakeNumberFilter(struct cart *cart, struct bbiFile *bbi, struct trackDb *tdb, char *filter, char *defaultLimits,  char *field, boolean isHighlight)
+/* Make a filter/highlight on this column if the trackDb or cart wants us to. */
 struct bigBedFilter *ret = NULL;
 char *setting = trackDbSettingClosestToHome(tdb, filter);
 int fieldNum =  getFieldNum(bbi, field);
 if (setting)
     boolean invalid = FALSE;
     double minValueTdb = 0,maxValueTdb = NO_VALUE;
     double minLimit=NO_VALUE,maxLimit=NO_VALUE,min = minValueTdb,max = maxValueTdb;
     if ((int)minLimit != NO_VALUE || (int)maxLimit != NO_VALUE)
         // assume tdb default values within range!
         // (don't give user errors that have no consequence)
         if ((min != minValueTdb && (((int)minLimit != NO_VALUE && min < minLimit)
                                 || ((int)maxLimit != NO_VALUE && min > maxLimit)))
         ||  (max != maxValueTdb && (((int)minLimit != NO_VALUE && max < minLimit)
                                 || ((int)maxLimit != NO_VALUE && max > maxLimit))))
             invalid = TRUE;
             char value[64];
             if ((int)max == NO_VALUE) // min only is allowed, but max only is not
                 safef(value, sizeof(value), "entered minimum (%g)", min);
                 safef(value, sizeof(value), "entered range (min:%g and max:%g)", min, max);
             char limits[64];
             if ((int)minLimit != NO_VALUE && (int)maxLimit != NO_VALUE)
                 safef(limits, sizeof(limits), "violates limits (%g to %g)", minLimit, maxLimit);
             else if ((int)minLimit != NO_VALUE)
                 safef(limits, sizeof(limits), "violates lower limit (%g)", minLimit);
             else //if ((int)maxLimit != NO_VALUE)
                 safef(limits, sizeof(limits), "violates uppper limit (%g)", maxLimit);
             warn("invalid filter by %s: %s %s for track %s", field, value, limits, tdb->track);
     if (invalid)
         char filterLimitName[64];
         safef(filterLimitName, sizeof(filterLimitName), "%s%s", filter, _MIN);
         safef(filterLimitName, sizeof(filterLimitName), "%s%s", filter, _MAX);
     else if (((int)min != NO_VALUE && ((int)minLimit == NO_VALUE || minLimit != min))
          ||  ((int)max != NO_VALUE && ((int)maxLimit == NO_VALUE || maxLimit != max)))
          // Assumes min==NO_VALUE or min==minLimit is no filter
          // Assumes max==NO_VALUE or max==maxLimit is no filter!
         ret->fieldNum = fieldNum;
         if ((int)max == NO_VALUE || ((int)maxLimit != NO_VALUE && maxLimit == max))
             ret->comparisonType = COMPARE_MORE;
             ret->value1 = min;
         else if ((int)min == NO_VALUE || ((int)minLimit != NO_VALUE && minLimit == min))
             ret->comparisonType = COMPARE_LESS;
             ret->value1 = max;
             ret->comparisonType = COMPARE_BETWEEN;
             ret->value1 = min;
             ret->value2 = max;
+        if (isHighlight)
+            ret->isHighlight = TRUE;
 return ret;
-struct bigBedFilter *bigBedMakeFilterText(struct cart *cart, struct bbiFile *bbi, struct trackDb *tdb, char *filterName, char *field)
+struct bigBedFilter *bigBedMakeFilterText(struct cart *cart, struct bbiFile *bbi, struct trackDb *tdb, char *filterName, char *field, boolean isHighlight)
 /* Add a bigBed filter using a trackDb filterText statement. */
 struct bigBedFilter *filter;
 char *setting = trackDbSettingClosestToHome(tdb, filterName);
 char *value = cartUsualStringClosestToHome(cart, tdb, FALSE, filterName, setting);
 if (isEmpty(value)) 
     return NULL;
 char *typeValue = getFilterType(cart, tdb, field, FILTERTEXT_WILDCARD);
 filter->fieldNum =  getFieldNum(bbi, field);
 if (sameString(typeValue, FILTERTEXT_REGEXP) )
     filter->comparisonType = COMPARE_REGEXP;
     regcomp(&filter->regEx, value, REG_NOSUB);
     filter->comparisonType = COMPARE_WILDCARD;
     filter->wildCardString = cloneString(value);
+filter->isHighlight = isHighlight;
 return filter;
-struct bigBedFilter *bigBedMakeFilterBy(struct cart *cart, struct bbiFile *bbi, struct trackDb *tdb, char *field, struct slName *choices)
+char *getHighlightType(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, char *field, char *def)
+char settingString[4096];
+safef(settingString, sizeof settingString, "%s.%s", HIGHLIGHT_TYPE_NAME_LOW, field);
+char *setting = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, settingString, NULL);
+if (setting == NULL)
+    {
+    safef(settingString, sizeof settingString, "%s.%s", field, HIGHLIGHT_TYPE_NAME_CAP);
+    setting = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, settingString, NULL);
+    }
+if (setting == NULL)
+    {
+    safef(settingString, sizeof settingString, "%s%s", field, HIGHLIGHT_TYPE_NAME_CAP);
+    setting = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, settingString, def);
+    }
+return setting;
+struct bigBedFilter *bigBedMakeFilterBy(struct cart *cart, struct bbiFile *bbi, struct trackDb *tdb, char *field, struct slName *choices, boolean isHighlight)
 /* Add a bigBed filter using a trackDb filterBy statement. */
 struct bigBedFilter *filter;
-char *setting = getFilterType(cart, tdb, field,  FILTERBY_DEFAULT);
+char *setting = NULL;
+if (isHighlight)
+    setting = getHighlightType(cart, tdb, field, HIGHLIGHTBY_DEFAULT);
+setting = getFilterType(cart, tdb, field,  FILTERBY_DEFAULT);
 filter->fieldNum =  getFieldNum(bbi, field);
 filter->comparisonType = COMPARE_HASH;
 if (setting) 
     if (sameString(setting, FILTERBY_SINGLE_LIST) 
             || sameString(setting, FILTERBY_MULTIPLE_LIST_OR)
-            || sameString(setting, FILTERBY_MULTIPLE_LIST_ONLY_OR))
+            || sameString(setting, FILTERBY_MULTIPLE_LIST_ONLY_OR)
+            || sameString(setting, HIGHLIGHTBY_SINGLE_LIST)
+            || sameString(setting, HIGHLIGHTBY_MULTIPLE_LIST_OR)
+            || sameString(setting, HIGHLIGHTBY_MULTIPLE_LIST_ONLY_OR))
                 filter->comparisonType = COMPARE_HASH_LIST_OR;
     else if (sameString(setting, FILTERBY_MULTIPLE_LIST_AND) 
-            || sameString(setting, FILTERBY_MULTIPLE_LIST_ONLY_AND))
+            || sameString(setting, FILTERBY_MULTIPLE_LIST_ONLY_AND)
+            || sameString(setting, HIGHLIGHTBY_MULTIPLE_LIST_AND)
+            || sameString(setting, HIGHLIGHTBY_MULTIPLE_LIST_ONLY_AND))
                 filter->comparisonType = COMPARE_HASH_LIST_AND;
 filter->valueHash = newHash(5);
 filter->numValuesInHash = slCount(choices);
 for(; choices; choices = choices->next)
     hashStore(filter->valueHash, choices->name);
+filter->isHighlight = isHighlight;
 return filter;
 static void addGencodeFilters(struct cart *cart, struct trackDb *tdb, struct bigBedFilter **pFilters)
 /* Add GENCODE custom bigBed filters. */
 struct bigBedFilter *filter;
 char varName[64];
 struct hash *hash;
 /* canonical */
 safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s.show.spliceVariants", tdb->track);
 boolean option = cartUsualBoolean(cart, varName, TRUE);
 if (!option)
     slAddHead(pFilters, filter);
     filter->fieldNum = 25;
     filter->comparisonType = COMPARE_HASH_LIST_OR;
     hash = newHash(5);
     filter->valueHash = hash;
     filter->numValuesInHash = 1;
     hashStore(hash, "canonical" );
 /* transcript class */
 slAddHead(pFilters, filter);
 filter->fieldNum = 20;
 filter->comparisonType = COMPARE_HASH;
 hash = newHash(5);
 filter->valueHash = hash;
 filter->numValuesInHash = 1;
 hashStore(hash,"coding");  // coding is always included
 safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s.show.noncoding", tdb->track);
 if (cartUsualBoolean(cart, varName, TRUE))
 safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s.show.pseudo", tdb->track);
 if (cartUsualBoolean(cart, varName, FALSE))
 /* tagged sets */
 safef(varName, sizeof(varName), "%s.show.set", tdb->track);
 char *setString = cartUsualString(cart, varName, "basic");
 if (differentString(setString, "all"))
     slAddHead(pFilters, filter);
     filter->fieldNum = 23;
     filter->comparisonType = COMPARE_HASH_LIST_OR;
     hash = newHash(5);
     filter->valueHash = hash;
     filter->numValuesInHash = 1;
     hashStore(hash, setString);
 struct bigBedFilter *bigBedBuildFilters(struct cart *cart, struct bbiFile *bbi, struct trackDb *tdb)
 /* Build all the numeric and filterBy filters for a bigBed */
 struct bigBedFilter *filters = NULL, *filter;
 struct trackDbFilter *tdbFilters = tdbGetTrackNumFilters(tdb);
 if ((tdbFilters == NULL) && !trackDbSettingOn(tdb, "noScoreFilter") && (bbi->definedFieldCount >= 5))
     slAddHead(&filters, filter);
     filter->fieldNum = 4;
     filter->comparisonType = COMPARE_MORE;
     char buffer[2048];
     safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%s.scoreFilter", tdb->track);
     filter->value1 = cartUsualDouble(cart, buffer, 0.0);
 for(; tdbFilters; tdbFilters = tdbFilters->next)
-    if ((filter = bigBedMakeNumberFilter(cart, bbi, tdb, tdbFilters->name, NULL, tdbFilters->fieldName)) != NULL)
+    if ((filter = bigBedMakeNumberFilter(cart, bbi, tdb, tdbFilters->name, NULL, tdbFilters->fieldName, FALSE)) != NULL)
         slAddHead(&filters, filter);
 tdbFilters = tdbGetTrackTextFilters(tdb);
 for(; tdbFilters; tdbFilters = tdbFilters->next)
-    if ((filter = bigBedMakeFilterText(cart, bbi, tdb, tdbFilters->name,  tdbFilters->fieldName)) != NULL)
+    if ((filter = bigBedMakeFilterText(cart, bbi, tdb, tdbFilters->name,  tdbFilters->fieldName, FALSE)) != NULL)
         slAddHead(&filters, filter);
 filterBy_t *filterBySet = filterBySetGet(tdb, cart,NULL);
 filterBy_t *filterBy = filterBySet;
 for (;filterBy != NULL; filterBy = filterBy->next)
     if (filterBy->slChoices && differentString(filterBy->slChoices->name, "All")) 
-        if ((filter = bigBedMakeFilterBy(cart, bbi, tdb, filterBy->column, filterBy->slChoices)) != NULL)
+        if ((filter = bigBedMakeFilterBy(cart, bbi, tdb, filterBy->column, filterBy->slChoices, FALSE)) != NULL)
             slAddHead(&filters, filter);
 /* custom gencode filters */
 boolean isGencode3 = trackDbSettingOn(tdb, "isGencode3");
 if (isGencode3)
     addGencodeFilters(cart, tdb, &filters);
 return filters;
+struct bigBedFilter *bigBedBuildHighlights(struct cart *cart, struct bbiFile *bbi, struct trackDb *tdb)
+/* Build all the numeric and highlights for a bigBed */
+struct bigBedFilter *highlights = NULL, *highlight;
+struct trackDbFilter *tdbHighlights = tdbGetTrackNumHighlights(tdb);
-boolean bigBedFilterInterval(struct bbiFile *bbi, char **bedRow, struct bigBedFilter *filters)
-/* Go through a row and filter based on filters.  Return TRUE if all filters are passed. */
+for(; tdbHighlights; tdbHighlights = tdbHighlights->next)
+    {
+    if ((highlight = bigBedMakeNumberFilter(cart, bbi, tdb, tdbHighlights->name, NULL, tdbHighlights->fieldName, TRUE)) != NULL)
+        slAddHead(&highlights, highlight);
+    }
+tdbHighlights = tdbGetTrackTextHighlights(tdb);
+for(; tdbHighlights; tdbHighlights = tdbHighlights->next)
+    {
+    if ((highlight = bigBedMakeFilterText(cart, bbi, tdb, tdbHighlights->name,  tdbHighlights->fieldName, TRUE)) != NULL)
+        slAddHead(&highlights, highlight);
+    }
+filterBy_t *filterBySet = highlightBySetGet(tdb, cart,NULL);
+filterBy_t *filterBy = filterBySet;
+for (;filterBy != NULL; filterBy = filterBy->next)
+    {
+    if (filterBy->slChoices && differentString(filterBy->slChoices->name, "All"))
+        {
+        if ((highlight = bigBedMakeFilterBy(cart, bbi, tdb, filterBy->column, filterBy->slChoices, TRUE)) != NULL)
+            slAddHead(&highlights, highlight);
+        }
+    }
+return highlights;
+boolean bigBedFilterOne(struct bigBedFilter *filter, char **bedRow, struct bbiFile *bbi)
+/* Return TRUE if a bedRow passes one filter or is in hgFindMatches */
 if ((bbi->definedFieldCount > 3) && (hgFindMatches != NULL) && 
     (bedRow[3] != NULL)  && hashLookup(hgFindMatches, bedRow[3]) != NULL)
     return TRUE;
-struct bigBedFilter *filter;
-for(filter = filters; filter; filter = filter->next)
-    {
 double val = atof(bedRow[filter->fieldNum]);
         if ( !wildMatch(filter->wildCardString, bedRow[filter->fieldNum]))
             return FALSE;
         if (regexec(&filter->regEx,bedRow[filter->fieldNum], 0, NULL,0 ) != 0)
             return FALSE;
         struct slName *values = commaSepToSlNames(bedRow[filter->fieldNum]);
         unsigned found = 0;
         struct hash *seenHash = newHash(3);
         for(; values; values = values->next)
             if (hashLookup(seenHash, values->name))
             hashStore(seenHash, values->name);
             if (hashLookup(filter->valueHash, values->name))
                 if (filter->comparisonType == COMPARE_HASH_LIST_OR) 
         if (filter->comparisonType == COMPARE_HASH_LIST_AND) 
             if (found < filter->numValuesInHash)
                 return FALSE;
         else if (!found)
             return FALSE;
     case COMPARE_HASH:
         if (!hashLookup(filter->valueHash, bedRow[filter->fieldNum]))
             return FALSE;
     case COMPARE_LESS:
         if (!(val <= filter->value1))
             return FALSE;
     case COMPARE_MORE:
         if (!(val >= filter->value1))
             return FALSE;
         if (!((val >= filter->value1) && (val <= filter->value2)))
             return FALSE;
+return TRUE;
+boolean bigBedFilterInterval(struct bbiFile *bbi, char **bedRow, struct bigBedFilter *filters)
+/* Go through a row and filter based on filters.  Return TRUE if all filters are passed. */
+if ((bbi->definedFieldCount > 3) && (hgFindMatches != NULL) && 
+    (bedRow[3] != NULL)  && hashLookup(hgFindMatches, bedRow[3]) != NULL)
+    return TRUE;
+struct bigBedFilter *filter;
+for(filter = filters; filter; filter = filter->next)
+    if (!bigBedFilterOne(filter, bedRow, bbi))
+        return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
 struct bbiFile *fetchBbiForTrack(struct track *track)
 /* Fetch bbiFile from track, opening it if it is not already open. */
 struct bbiFile *bbi = track->bbiFile;
 if (bbi == NULL)
     char *fileName = NULL;
     if (track->parallelLoading) // do not use mysql during parallel fetch
 	fileName = cloneString(trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "bigDataUrl"));
         if (fileName == NULL)
             fileName = cloneString(trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "bigGeneDataUrl"));
 	struct sqlConnection *conn = NULL;
 	if (!trackHubDatabase(database))
 	    conn = hAllocConnTrack(database, track->tdb);
 	fileName = bbiNameFromSettingOrTable(track->tdb, conn, track->table);
     #ifdef USE_GBIB_PWD
     #include "gbib.c"
     bbi = track->bbiFile = bigBedFileOpenAlias(fileName, chromAliasFindAliases);
 return bbi;
 static unsigned bigBedMaxItems()
 /* Get the maximum number of items to grab from a bigBed file.  Defaults to ten thousand . */
 static boolean set = FALSE;
 static unsigned maxItems = 0;
 if (!set)
     char *maxItemsStr = cfgOptionDefault("bigBedMaxItems", "10000");
     maxItems = sqlUnsigned(maxItemsStr);
 return maxItems;
 struct bigBedInterval *bigBedSelectRangeExt(struct track *track,
 	char *chrom, int start, int end, struct lm *lm, int maxItems)
 /* Return list of intervals in range. */
 struct bigBedInterval *result = NULL;
 /* protect against temporary network error */
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 boolean filtering = FALSE; // for the moment assume we're not filtering
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     struct bbiFile *bbi = fetchBbiForTrack(track);
     result = bigBedIntervalQuery(bbi, chrom, start, end, bigBedMaxItems() + 1, lm);
     if (slCount(result) > bigBedMaxItems())
         if (filtering)
             errAbort("Too many items in window to filter.Zoom in or remove filters to view track.");
             // use summary levels
             if (track->visibility != tvDense)
                 track->limitedVis = tvFull;
                 track->limitWiggle = TRUE;
                 track->limitedVisSet = TRUE;
                 track->limitedVis = tvDense;
                 track->limitedVisSet = TRUE;
             result = NULL;
             AllocArray(track->summary, insideWidth);
             if (bigBedSummaryArrayExtended(bbi, chrom, start, end, insideWidth, track->summary))
                 char *denseCoverage = trackDbSettingClosestToHome(track->tdb, "denseCoverage");
                 if (denseCoverage != NULL)
                     double endVal = atof(denseCoverage);
                     if (endVal <= 0)
                         *track->sumAll = bbiTotalSummary(bbi);
     track->bbiFile = NULL;
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     track->networkErrMsg = cloneString(errCatch->message->string);
     track->drawItems = bigDrawWarning;
     track->totalHeight = bigWarnTotalHeight;
     result = NULL;
 return result;
 char* restField(struct bigBedInterval *bb, int fieldIdx) 
 /* return a given field from the bb->rest field, NULL on error */
 if (fieldIdx==0) // we don't return the first(=name) field of bigBed
     return NULL;
 char *rest = cloneString(bb->rest);
 char *restFields[1024];
 int restCount = chopTabs(rest, restFields);
 char *field = NULL;
 if (fieldIdx < restCount)
     field = cloneString(restFields[fieldIdx]);
 return field;
+void addHighlightToLinkedFeature(struct linkedFeatures *lf, struct bigBedFilter *highlights, struct bbiFile *bbi, char **bedRow, struct trackDb *tdb)
+/* Fill out the lf->highlightColor if the cart says to highlight this item. The color will
+ * be the 'average' of all the highlight colors specified */
+struct bigBedFilter *highlight;
+char *cartHighlightColor = cartOrTdbString(cart, tdb, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_CART_VAR, HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_DEFAULT);
+for (highlight = highlights; highlight != NULL; highlight = highlight->next)
+    {
+    if (bigBedFilterOne(highlight, bedRow, bbi))
+        {
+        unsigned rgb = bedParseColor(cartHighlightColor);
+        Color color = bedColorToGfxColor(rgb);
+        lf->highlightColor = color;
+        lf->highlightMode = highlightBackground;
+        }
+    }
 void bigBedAddLinkedFeaturesFromExt(struct track *track,
 	char *chrom, int start, int end, int scoreMin, int scoreMax, boolean useItemRgb,
 	int fieldCount, struct linkedFeatures **pLfList, int maxItems)
 /* Read in items in chrom:start-end from bigBed file named in track->bbiFileName, convert
  * them to linkedFeatures, and add to head of list. */
 struct lm *lm = lmInit(0);
 struct trackDb *tdb = track->tdb;
 char *mouseOverField = cartOrTdbString(cart, track->tdb, "mouseOverField", NULL);
 // check if this track can merge large items, this setting must be allowed in the trackDb
 // stanza for the track, but can be enabled/disabled via trackUi/right click menu so
 // we also need to check the cart for the current status
 int mergeCount = 0;
 boolean doWindowSizeFilter = trackDbSettingOn(track->tdb, MERGESPAN_TDB_SETTING);
 if (doWindowSizeFilter)
     char hasMergedItemsSetting[256];
     safef(hasMergedItemsSetting, sizeof(hasMergedItemsSetting), "%s.%s", track->track, MERGESPAN_CART_SETTING);
     if (cartVarExists(cart, hasMergedItemsSetting))
         doWindowSizeFilter = cartInt(cart, hasMergedItemsSetting) == 1;
     else // save the cart var so javascript can offer the right toggle
         cartSetInt(cart, hasMergedItemsSetting, 1);
 /* protect against temporary network error */
 struct bbiFile *bbi = NULL;
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     bbi = fetchBbiForTrack(track);
 if (errCatch->gotError)
     track->networkErrMsg = cloneString(errCatch->message->string);
     track->drawItems = bigDrawWarning;
     track->totalHeight = bigWarnTotalHeight;
 struct bigBedInterval *bb, *bbList; 
 char *quickLiftFile = cloneString(trackDbSetting(track->tdb, "quickLiftUrl"));
 struct hash *chainHash = NULL;
 if (quickLiftFile)
     bbList = quickLiftIntervals(quickLiftFile, bbi, chromName, winStart, winEnd, &chainHash);
     bbList = bigBedSelectRangeExt(track, chrom, start, end, lm, maxItems);
 char *squishField = cartOrTdbString(cart, track->tdb, "squishyPackField", NULL);
 int squishFieldIdx = bbExtraFieldIndex(bbi, squishField);
 int seqTypeField =  0;
 if (sameString(track->tdb->type, "bigPsl"))
     seqTypeField =  bbExtraFieldIndex(bbi, "seqType");
 int mouseOverIdx = bbExtraFieldIndex(bbi, mouseOverField);
 track->bbiFile = NULL;
 struct bigBedFilter *filters = bigBedBuildFilters(cart, bbi, track->tdb) ;
+struct bigBedFilter *highlights = bigBedBuildHighlights(cart, bbi, track->tdb) ;
 if (compositeChildHideEmptySubtracks(cart, track->tdb, NULL, NULL))
 // mouseOvers can be built constructed via trackDb settings instead
 // of embedded directly in bigBed
 char *mouseOverPattern = NULL;
 char **fieldNames = NULL;
 if (!mouseOverIdx)
     mouseOverPattern = cartOrTdbString(cart, track->tdb, "mouseOver", NULL);
     if (mouseOverPattern)
         AllocArray(fieldNames, bbi->fieldCount);
         struct slName *field = NULL, *fields = bbFieldNames(bbi);
         int i =  0;
         for (field = fields; field != NULL; field = field->next)
             fieldNames[i++] = field->name;
 // a fake item that is the union of the items that span the current  window
 struct linkedFeatures *spannedLf = NULL;
 unsigned filtered = 0;
 struct bed *bed = NULL, *bedCopy = NULL;
 for (bb = bbList; bb != NULL; bb = bb->next)
     struct linkedFeatures *lf = NULL;
     char *bedRow[bbi->fieldCount];
     if (sameString(track->tdb->type, "bigPsl"))
         // fill out bedRow to support mouseOver pattern replacements
         char startBuf[16], endBuf[16];
         bigBedIntervalToRow(bb, chromName, startBuf, endBuf, bedRow, ArraySize(bedRow));
         char *seq, *cds;
         struct psl *psl = pslFromBigPsl(chromName, bb, seqTypeField,  &seq, &cds);
         int sizeMul =  pslIsProtein(psl) ? 3 : 1;
         boolean isXeno = 0;  // just affects grayIx
         boolean nameGetsPos = FALSE; // we want the name to stay the name
         lf = lfFromPslx(psl, sizeMul, isXeno, nameGetsPos, track);
         lf->original = psl;
         if ((seq != NULL) && (lf->orientation == -1))
             reverseComplement(seq, strlen(seq));
         lf->extra = seq;
         lf->cds = cds;
         lf->useItemRgb = useItemRgb;
         if ( lf->useItemRgb )
             lf->filterColor = itemRgbColumn(bedRow[8]);
     else if (sameString(tdb->type, "bigDbSnp"))
         // bigDbSnp does not have a score field, but I want to compute the freqSourceIx from
         // trackDb and settings one time instead of for each item, so I'm overloading scoreMin.
         int freqSourceIx = scoreMin;
         lf = lfFromBigDbSnp(tdb, bb, filters, freqSourceIx, bbi);
         char startBuf[16], endBuf[16];
         bigBedIntervalToRow(bb, chromName, startBuf, endBuf, bedRow, ArraySize(bedRow));
         if (bigBedFilterInterval(bbi, bedRow, filters))
             if (quickLiftFile)
                 if ((bed = quickLiftBed(bbi, chainHash, bb)) != NULL)
                     bedCopy = cloneBed(bed);
                     lf = bedMungToLinkedFeatures(&bed, tdb, fieldCount,
                         scoreMin, scoreMax, useItemRgb);
                 bed = bedLoadN(bedRow, fieldCount);
                 bedCopy = cloneBed(bed);
                 lf = bedMungToLinkedFeatures(&bed, tdb, fieldCount,
                     scoreMin, scoreMax, useItemRgb);
+        if (lf && highlights)
+            addHighlightToLinkedFeature(lf, highlights, bbi, bedRow, track->tdb);
         if (lf && squishFieldIdx)
             lf->squishyPackVal = atof(restField(bb, squishFieldIdx));
         if (track->visibility != tvDense && lf && doWindowSizeFilter && bb->start < winStart && bb->end > winEnd)
             struct bed *bed = bedLoadN(bedRow, fieldCount);
             struct linkedFeatures *tmp = bedMungToLinkedFeatures(&bed, tdb, fieldCount,
                 scoreMin, scoreMax, useItemRgb);
             if (spannedLf)
                 if (tmp->start < spannedLf->start)
                     spannedLf->start = tmp->start;
                 if (tmp->end > spannedLf->end)
                     spannedLf->end = tmp->end;
                 if (fieldCount > 9) // average the colors in the merged item
                     // Not sure how averaging alphas in the merged item would work; probably better
                     // to ignore it.
                     struct rgbColor itemColor = colorIxToRgb(lf->filterColor);
                     struct rgbColor currColor = colorIxToRgb(spannedLf->filterColor);
                     int r = currColor.r + round((itemColor.r - currColor.r) / mergeCount);
                     int g = currColor.g + round((itemColor.g - currColor.g) / mergeCount);
                     int b = currColor.b + round((itemColor.b - currColor.b) / mergeCount);
                     spannedLf->filterColor = MAKECOLOR_32(r,g,b);
                 // setting the label here protects against the case when only one item would
                 // have been merged. When this happens we warn in the track longLabel that
                 // nothing happened and essentially make the spanned item be what the actual
                 // item would be. If multiple items are merged then the labels and mouseOvers
                 // will get fixed up later
                 tmp->label = bigBedMakeLabel(track->tdb, track->labelColumns,  bb, chromName);
                 if (mouseOverIdx > 0)
                     tmp->mouseOver = restField(bb, mouseOverIdx);
                 else if (mouseOverPattern)
                     tmp->mouseOver = replaceFieldInPattern(mouseOverPattern, bbi->fieldCount, fieldNames, bedRow);
                 slAddHead(&spannedLf, tmp);
             continue; // lf will be NULL, but these items aren't "filtered", they're merged
     if (lf == NULL)
     if (lf->label == NULL)
         lf->label = bigBedMakeLabel(track->tdb, track->labelColumns,  bb, chromName);
     if (startsWith("bigGenePred", track->tdb->type) || startsWith("genePred", track->tdb->type))
         lf->original = genePredFromBedBigGenePred(chromName, bedCopy, bb); 
     if (lf->mouseOver == NULL)
         if (mouseOverIdx > 0)
             lf->mouseOver = restField(bb, mouseOverIdx);
         else if (mouseOverPattern)
             lf->mouseOver = replaceFieldInPattern(mouseOverPattern, bbi->fieldCount, fieldNames, bedRow);
     slAddHead(pLfList, lf);
 if (filtered)
    labelTrackAsFilteredNumber(track, filtered);
 if (doWindowSizeFilter)
     // add the number of merged items to the track longLabel
     char labelBuf[256];
     if (mergeCount > 1)
         safef(labelBuf, sizeof(labelBuf), " (Merged %d items)", mergeCount);
         safef(labelBuf, sizeof(labelBuf), " (No Items Merged in window)");
     track->longLabel = catTwoStrings(track->longLabel, labelBuf);
 if (spannedLf)
     // if two or more items were merged together, fix up the label of the special merged item,
     // otherwise the label and mouseOver will be the normal bed one
     char itemLabelBuf[256], mouseOver[256];
     if (mergeCount > 1)
         safef(itemLabelBuf, sizeof(itemLabelBuf), "Merged %d items", mergeCount);
         safef(mouseOver, sizeof(mouseOver), "Merged %d items. Right-click and select 'show merged items' to expand", mergeCount);
         spannedLf->label = cloneString(itemLabelBuf);
         spannedLf->name = "mergedItem"; // always, for correct hgc clicks
         spannedLf->mouseOver = cloneString(mouseOver);
     slAddHead(pLfList, spannedLf);
 if (!trackDbSettingClosestToHomeOn(track->tdb, "linkIdInName"))
     track->itemName = bigLfItemName;
 boolean canDrawBigBedDense(struct track *tg)
 /* Return TRUE if conditions are such that can do the fast bigBed dense data fetch and
  * draw. */
 return tg->isBigBed;
 void bigBedDrawDense(struct track *tg, int seqStart, int seqEnd,
         struct hvGfx *hvg, int xOff, int yOff, int width,
         MgFont *font, Color color)
 /* Use big-bed summary data to quickly draw bigBed. */
 struct bbiSummaryElement *summary = tg->summary;
 if (summary)
     char *denseCoverage = trackDbSettingClosestToHome(tg->tdb, "denseCoverage");
     if (denseCoverage != NULL)
 	double startVal = 0, endVal = atof(denseCoverage);
 	if (endVal <= 0)
 	    struct bbiSummaryElement sumAll = *tg->sumAll;
 	    double mean = sumAll.sumData/sumAll.validCount;
 	    double std = calcStdFromSums(sumAll.sumData, sumAll.sumSquares, sumAll.validCount);
 	    rangeFromMinMaxMeanStd(0, sumAll.maxVal, mean, std, &startVal, &endVal);
 	int x;
 	for (x=0; x<width; ++x)
 	    if (summary[x].validCount > 0)
 		Color color = shadesOfGray[grayInRange(summary[x].maxVal, startVal, endVal)];
 		hvGfxBox(hvg, x+xOff, yOff, 1, tg->heightPer, color);
 	int x;
 	for (x=0; x<width; ++x)
 	    if (summary[x].validCount > 0)
 		hvGfxBox(hvg, x+xOff, yOff, 1, tg->heightPer, color);
 char *bigBedItemName(struct track *tg, void *item)
 // return label for simple beds
 struct bed *bed = (struct bed *)item;
 return bed->label;
 char *bigLfItemName(struct track *tg, void *item)
 // return label for linked features
 struct linkedFeatures *lf = (struct linkedFeatures *)item;
 return lf->label;
 #ifdef NOTNOW
 static int getFieldCount(struct track *track)
 // return the definedFieldCount of the passed track with is assumed to be a bigBed
 struct bbiFile *bbi = NULL;
 struct errCatch *errCatch = errCatchNew();
 if (errCatchStart(errCatch))
     bbi = fetchBbiForTrack(track);
 if (bbi)
     return bbi->definedFieldCount;
 return 3; // if we can't get the bbi, use the minimum
 void bigBedMethods(struct track *track, struct trackDb *tdb, 
                                 int wordCount, char *words[])
 /* Set up bigBed methods. */
 char *newWords[wordCount];
 int ii;
 for(ii=0; ii < wordCount; ii++)
     newWords[ii] = words[ii];
 #ifdef NOTNOW
 // let's help the user out and get the definedFieldCount if they didn't specify it on the type line
 if (!tdbIsSuper(track->tdb) && (track->tdb->subtracks == NULL) && (wordCount == 1) && sameString(words[0], "bigBed"))
     int fieldCount = getFieldCount(track);
     if (fieldCount > 3) 
         char buffer[1024];
         safef(buffer, sizeof buffer, "%d", fieldCount);
         newWords[1] = cloneString(buffer);
         wordCount = 2;
 complexBedMethods(track, tdb, TRUE, wordCount, newWords);